OCTOBER 9: The Republic of Uganda :a date with history

Greetings to the citizens of the Republic of Uganda on their Independence Day.
Name: Republic of Uganda
Region: East Africa
currency: Ugandan Shilling (UGX)
Official language: English and Swahili
Surface area: 241038 sq.km
Population: 30884,000
Capital city: Kampala
UN Membership date: October 25, 1962
Tourism: Rwenzori Mountains National Park is a World Heritage Site located in the Rwenzori Mountains.
Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is a UNESCO-designated World Heritage Site.
The endangered mountain gorilla, the bulkiest of living primates, is Uganda’s star attraction in wildlife tourism.
A number of resorts and hotels are available in Kampala and other cities for tourist's stay.

Map of Uganda
Map of Uganda

flag of Uganda
Flag of Uganda

Grey crowned crane, National bird of Uganda
Grey crowned crane, National bird of Uganda

Kampala, Capital city of Uganda
Skyline of Kampala, Capital city of Uganda

Kampala at night
Kampala at night

Kampala suburbs
Suburban Kampala

Entebbe ariel view
Entebbe aerial view

Mount Kadam in Uganda
Mount Kadam

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, a World Heritage Site

Rwenzori Mountains National Park
Rwenzori Mountains National Park is a World Heritage Site

Kasubi tombs
Kampala Kasubi Tombs is World Heritage Site

mountain gorilla found in Uganda
Mountain Gorilla

Lions are found in Uganda

Malachite kingfisher is found in Uganda
Malachite kingfisher

Impala found in Uganda

hippopotamus is found in Uganda

hadada ibis is found in Uganda
Hadada Ibis

grey crowned crane
Grey crowned crane

Giraffe is found in Uganda

gemsbok is found in Uganda

eastern gorilla is found in uganda
Eastern gorilla

common moor hen found in Uganda
Common moor hen

colobus angolensis monkey found in Uganda
Colobus angolensis monkey

African open bill is found in Uganda
African open bill

Image courtesy: Tom Tarrant, Eright, not not phil, Omoo, Hendrik Dacquin, Ryan E. Poplin, Han Olff, Hans Hillewaert, Falense, Pbrundel, Miroslav Duchacek, Mila, Tom Tarrant, Dawidl, PetterLundkvist, TKnoxB and wikipedia

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