OCTOBER 10: Republic of the Fiji Islands

Greetings to the citizens of the Republic of the Fiji Islands on their Fiji Day.
Name: Republic of the Fiji Islands
Region: Oceania-Malanesia
Currency: Fiji Dollar (FJD)
Official language: English, Bau Fijian, Hindi
Surface area: 18272 sq.km
Population: 839,000
Capital city: Suva
UN Membership date: October 13, 1970

map of Fiji
Map of Fiji

flag of Fiji
Flag of Fiji

coat of arms of Fiji
Coat of Arms of Fiji

Suva, capital of Fiji
Suva , capital city of Fiji

Simla, Lautoka town
Simla, Lautoka town

Savusavu town
Savusavu town

Fijian village
Fijian village

Mondriki, Fiji
Mondriki, Fiji

Sigatoka river
Sigatoka river

silktail found in Fiji
Silk tail

pacific black duck found in Fiji
Pacific black duck

orange dove found in Fiji
Orange dove

great frigate bird found in Fiji
Great frigate bird

white tern found in Fiji
White tern

eastern reef egret foun in Fiji
Eastern reef egret

Parrot finch found in Fiji
Parrot finch

collared lories found in Fiji
Collared lories

Frazer's dolphin group found in Fiji
Frazer's dolphins

Image courtesy: Kelisi, Merbabu, Heinz Albers, The Wild West guy, Doron, Aviceda, Glen Fergus and wikipedia

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