Greetings to the citizens of the Portuguese Republic on their Republic day.Name: Portuguese Republic
Region: Southern Europe
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Official language: Portuguese
Surface area: 92090
Population: 10623,000
Capital city: Lisbon
UN Membership date: December 14, 1955
Tourism: There are 13 world heritage sites in Portugal.
Map of Portugal
Flag of Portugal
Coat of Arms of Portugal
Rooster, national bird of Portugal
Lisbon, Capital city of Portugal
Vasco Da Gama Bridge, Lisbon
Pombal Square, Lisbon
Lisbon discoveries mark
Lisbon castle
Edward V11 Park
Portuguese Parliament
Porto city
Porto down town
Porto Metro Train
Ruins of Roman Temple at Evora, Potugal
Vila Nova de Gaia town
View of Braga city
Mount Pico
City of Amadora
Serra da Estrela Mountain
Cape Roca light house
Guimaraes Castle, the cradle of Portugal
Laurislva forest is World Heritage Site
Praia da Marinha, Algarve
Douro valley landscape
Lagoon in Island of Sao Miguel
European Hedgehog
Spooon bill
Red deer
Roe deer
Bald Ibis
Mute Swan
Greater flamingoes
Bean Goose Image courtesy: Remi Jouan, ho visto nina volare, Alvesgaspar, Michael Fernandes, YBnormal2day13, Alvesgaspar, Husond, antlewis, Fernando Tomás, Catarina Carvalho, Osvaldo Gago, Gustavo Motta, Jcornelius, Thorsten Bachner, Hrald, Marek Szczepanek, Bill Ebbesen, Creando, Manfred Heyde and wikipedia
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