OCTOBER 1: People's Republic of China: a date with history

Greetings to the citizens of the People's Republic of China on their National Day.
Name: People's Republic of China
Region: East Asia
Currency: Yuan (CNY)
Official language: chinese
Surface area: 9596961 sq.km
Population: 1328630,000
Capital city: Beijing
UN Membership date: October 24, 1945
tourism: There are nearly forty World Heritage Sites in China.

map of China
Map of China

flag of China
Flag of China

emblem of China
Emblem of China

Giant Panda, national animal of China
Giant Panda, National animal of China

Crane, national bird of China
Crane, National bird of China

golden pheasant
Golden pheasant in China

Beijing, capital city of China
Beijing, Capital city of China

Financial street in Beijing
Beijing Financial Street

national centre of performing arts
National Centre of Performing Arts, Beijing

Beihai park in Beijing
Beihai park in Beijing

botanical garden in Beijing
Beijing Botanical Garden

Hong Kong at night
Hong Kong night skyline

the university of Hong Kong
Hong Kong University

Nanjing city skyline
Nanjing city skyline

Shanghai's Lujiazui skyline
Shanghai's Lujiazui skyline

Tianjin city
Tianjin city skyline

forbidden city
Forbidden city

Changchun city
Changchun city

great wall of China
Great Wall of China

Great wall
Misty view of Great Wall of China

Great wall of China in summer
Great Wall

Terracotta army
Terracotta Army

Xian museum
Xian museum

south China sea
South China Sea at Hainan

rapeseed flower field
Rapeseed flower field in China

Lijiang river
Lijiang river


white eared pheasant in China
White eared pheasant

tigers are found in China

red crowned crane found in China
Red crowned crane

giant panda of China
Giant Panda

Clouded leopard found in China
Clouded leopard

Asiatic black bear found in China
Asiatic black bear

image courtesy: Ariel Steiner, earth photos, Fanghong, Zhang Zhang, Shinewood, ASDFGHJ, Godofnanjing, Baycrest, samxli, Pixar, ReadyForTomorrow, gongfu king, Saad Akhtar, CobbleCC, Vera & Jean-Christophe, Base64, CarolSpears, Matthew Field, Bernard Landgraf, Guérin Nicolas, Sputnikcccp, Snowyowls and wikipedia.

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