SEPTEMBER 30: The Republic of Botswana: a date with history

Greetings to the citizens of the Republic of Botswana on their Independence Day.
Name: Republic of Botswana
Region: South Africa
Currency: Pula (BWP)
Official language: English
Surface area: 582000
Population: 1882,000
Capital city: Gaborone
UN Membership date: October 17, 1966
Tourism: Tsodilo is a World Heritage Site located in Botswana.
As Kalahari desert occupies nearly 2/3 of the country wild life tourism is very important for the country.

map of Botswana
Map of Botswana

flag of Botswana
Flag of Botswana

coat of arms of Botswana
Coat of Arms of Botswana

Zebra, national animal of Botswana
Zebra, national animal of Botswana

Zebras in Botswana

Sky line of Gaborone
Skyline of Gaborone, Capital city of Botswana

city centre, Gaborone
Gaborone city centre

Debswana HQ
Debswana headquarters

Botswana Parliament
Botswana Parliament

Gabarone aerial view
Aerial view of Gaborone

main street of Gantsi town
Gantsi town, main street

Tsodilo hills
Tsodilo hills, a World Heritage Site, Botswana

Tsodilo rock paintings
Tsodilo rock paintings

Mochudi village
Mochudi village

Kalahari desert
Kalahari Desert

Mokolodi natural reserve
Mokolodi Nature Reserve

View from Swaneng hill
View from Sweneng hill

yellow mongoose
Yellow mongoose

water buck
Water buck

spiny mouse
Spiny mouse

Lechwe antelope
Lechwe Antelope

impala male
Male Impala

great white pelican
Great white Pelican


Cattle egret
Cattle Egret

Black backed jackel

Image courtesy: Sodacan, Elmar Thiel, PanBK, Mirko Raner, cj Huo, joachim Huber, Eddie Chuan-Shun Ho, Claudia, JackyR, R Gale, Freddy Weber, Marcel Burkhard alias cele4, D. Gordon E. Robertson, Tram2, Ralf Ellerich, su neko and wikipedia.

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