Name: Malaysia
Region: South eastern Asia
Currency: Ringgit (MYR)
Population: 26572,000
Official language: Malay
Surface area: 329847
Capital city: Kuala Lumpur
UN Membership date: September 17, 1957
Tourism: Kuala Lumpur, George Town, Ipoh, Johor Bahru, Kota Kinabalu, Kuala Terengganu, Kuantan, Melaka, Miri, Putrajaya and Petaling Jaya are some of the major cities with excellent tourist attractions with comfortable stay arrangements in hotels and resorts.
The inner town of George Town is a World Heritage Site.
Malacca Town has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Miri - the resort city of Sarawak is the gateway to the World Heritage Site of the Mulu caves and numerous magnificent tourism attractions.
Kinabalu National Park is a World Heritage Site in the east Malaysian state of Sabah.
Bako National Park is the home for Proboscis monkeys.
Malasia also offers streches of beaches of immense beauty throughout the islands for visitors.

salam ni mengenai ape ye...nampak menarik ni...pasal tourism kat malaysia eh?
gmbar2 yg menarik & tempat2 yg menarik tuk dikunjungi
they don't understand what u try to say...
so.speak English..
jgn r ckap mleyu..hehe..
actually...there are many places that magnificent in malaysia..u only cover 10% of it....
Malaysia truly asia....
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