AUGUST 27: The Republic of Moldova: a date with history

Greetings to the citizens of the Republic of Moldova on their Independence Day.
Name: Republic of Moldova
Region: Central Europe
Currency: Moldovan Leu
Official Language:Moldavian
Surface area: 33,843
Population: 3572000
Capital city: Chisinau
UN Membership date: March 2, 1992
Tourism: The largest part of Moldova lies between two rivers, the Dniester and the Prut. There are many tourism and picnic spots along the rivers. The main cities have hotels and resorts for the boarding and lodging of the tourists.
World Heritage Site: Struve Geodetic Arc - transboundary property, shared with Belarus, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Sweden, the Russian Federation and Ukraine.

Map of Moldova
Map of Moldova
Flag of Moldova
Flag of the Republic of Moldova

Coat of arms of Moldova
Coat of Arms of the Republic of Moldova

Chisinau capital city
Chisinau Capital city of the Republic of Moldova

Chisinau central park
Central park in Chisinau

Ribnita city
Moldova Ribnita city

Brown bear of Moldova
Brown bear in Moldova

Dalmatian pelican in Moldova
Dalmatian Pelican in Moldova

Dniester river
Dniester river in Moldova

Lake Raionul Orhei in Moldova
Lake Raionul Orhei in Moldova

artic loon
Artic Loon in Moldova

Lynx in Moldova

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